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Cadet past paper and Cadet sample paper and Cadet admission information and Cadet Test information and Cadet intelligence test for Entry test



There are certain conditions for the admission in Cadet Colleges, which the candidates have to fulfil. Regular admissions to these colleges are made in Class 8th once a year according to the schedule and is subject to the conditions given below:

1: Age Limit:

Candidates for admission must not be under 12 years and over 14 years age on the date affixed by the Cadet College. No relaxation of age limit whatsoever is permitted. Attested copy of Form "B" from NADRA will be attached with Application Form.

The Physical appearance of the candidate must correspond with the age mentioned in the Application Form.

2. Qualification:

Candidates have passed Class 7 by the March of year of entry.

3. Submission of Application:

Application for admission must be submitted on the prescribed admission form  appended to the prospectus. No photo copies are accepted. Entries of the Application Form must be based on correct information. All entries will be subject to scrutiny and verification. False information by a candidate noticed at any stage of his stay at the Cadet College, will render him liable to disciplinary action/withdrawal with payment of training charges. The Application Form, duly filled in, should be sent direct to the commandant by designation, not by name. The Application Form must be accompanied by three self-envelops), containing stamps worth Rs. 25 each. (Stamps not affixed on the envelops) Every candidate is required to remit a Registration Fee which if different in different colleges. Last date for submission of application is advertised through the press and also given in the admission form appended to the prospectus. Roll Number slips are sent to all the eligible candidates only.

4. Written Test:

Candidates will be given written Tests in Mathematics, English General Science and Urdu. The Urdu paper will carry 2-3 questions on Islamiyat. The Broad syllabi for these test papers is given in detail in this book separately. Exact date, time and place will be communicated in writing by the Cadet College.

5. Intelligence Test, Interviews:

The candidates making the preliminary selection list on the basis of written test, will be put through and Intelligence Test and Interview for final selection. Candidates who qualify the written test are called for the intelligence/interview.

6. Medical Examination:

The candidates are medically examined at CMH/MH or College Medical Officer. Only those candidates who are found medically fit will be considered for the admission.

7. Final Selection:

The Final Selection is made on the overall merit achieved by the candidate in the written test, interview/intelligence test and medical examination. Selection in purely on merit. There is no quota system in any Cadet College. No Formal result is announced. Only selected candidates for each stage are informed through mail. Result of rejected candidates in neither announced nor given even on request.

8. Fees:

Full fees or fees less scholarship are payable before the beginning of each term. Fee include tuition fee, electricity charges. medical fund. hostel and mess services fund messing, hair-cutting, washing, shoe, clothes repairing etc. Fees are different in different Cadet Colleges.

NOTE: (Above terms and conditions may slightly vary for different Cadet Colleges. For detailed information, please read the instructions given in the prospectus of the respective Cadet College).

Be Careful (Things which are not permitted):

Cadets are NOT permitted to keep the following in the Hostel:

1. Transistor, video games and electric appliances, personal computer, wireless, radio, T.V. Set, Walkman set, etc.

2. Unauthorized medicined/drugs.

3. Money and valuables, other than pocket money (Rs. 100) per month.

4. Weapons of any kind.

5. Cigarettes, narcotics in any form.

6. Matches, burners, heaters, etc.

7. Undesirable printed material.

8. Explosive/combustible material.

9. Musical instruments.

Cadets guilty of any of the following offences are liable to be withdrawn from the college:

1. Cheating, lying stealing, gambling and immoral conduct.

2. Willfully and deliberately damaging the college property.

3. Keeping fire-arms of knives of large size, etc.

4. Breaking bounds.

5. Rudeness to the staff and seniors.

6. Rude behaviour of the cadet's parents towards the staff.

7. Absenting from the class and any other college activities without proper reason.

8. Being habitually unpunctual, untidy and slovenly.

9. Smoking, use of narcotics in any form.

10. Consistently giving a poor performance in academics.

11. Use of unfair means in tests/examinations.

12. Guilty of any act of indiscipline/misconduct.


The College will adopt all possible measures for the safety of the cadets during their stay in the college. However, the college shall not be held responsible for any kind of accident/mishap causing any kind of physical harm or injury.


Academic Test of Cadet Colleges:

1. Urdu Sample & Past Paper:

Urdu syllabus cadet
Urdu syllabus cadet

Urdu syllabus cadet 1
Urdu past paper 1

Urdu syllabus cadet 2
Urdu past paper 2

Urdu syllabus cadet 3
Urdu past paper 3

Urdu syllabus cadet 4
Urdu past paper 4

Urdu syllabus cadet 5
Urdu past paper 5

2. ISLAMIYAT  Sample & Past Paper:

ISLAMIYAT past paper 1
ISLAMIYAT past paper 1

ISLAMIYAT past paper 2
ISLAMIYAT past paper 2

ISLAMIYAT past paper 3
ISLAMIYAT past paper 3

ISLAMIYAT past paper 4
ISLAMIYAT past paper 4

3. English Sample & Past Paper:

English past paper 1
English past paper 1

English past paper 2
English past paper 2

English past paper 3
English past paper 3

4. General Science Sample & Past Paper:

G. Science past paper 1
G. Science past paper 1

G. Science past paper 2
G. Science past paper 2

G. Science past paper 3
G. Science past paper 3

G. Science past paper 4
G. Science past paper 4

5. MATHEMATICS Sample & Past Paper:

Math past paper 1
Math past paper 1

Math past paper 2
Math past paper 2

Math past paper 3
Math past paper 3

Math past paper 4
Math past paper 4

Math past paper 5
Math past paper 5

Math past paper 6
Math past paper 6

6. Intelligence Test Sample Paper:

1. Verbal Intelligence Test.

verbal intelligence test 1
verbal intelligence test 1

verbal intelligence test 2
verbal intelligence test 2

2. Non-verbal Intelligence Test:
non-verbal test 1
non-verbal test 1

non-verbal test 2
non-verbal test 2

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